Friday 8 November 2019

Does the Affordable Care Act really make treatments "affordable"?

Does the Affordable Care Act really make treatments "affordable"?

Affordable Care Act

Tensed about your healthcare system?
Is your medical expenditure becoming a burden on you?
Don’t have any mediclaim policy?
Are you too worried about your future health?
Exhausted for high medical premium bills?
It's really a general problem, right? Almost each of us is suffering from this great and common problem. If you just look into our healthcare system you can notice that its expenditure is rapidly increasing day by day. Majority of the people are tensed about the medical expenditure. People who are under below poverty level are not the only one who faces these challenges. People with the high economical condition are also tensed with this burden of high medical expenditure. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) that was first signed by Barrack Obama on 23rd March 2010 in the USA. Later this law became effective in other countries as well. This care is also known to people as Obamacare.  Let's have a look into the pros and cons of this act, rest you will understand automatically………
·         The most important benefits of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are that it has helped in slowing down the rise of unusual health care costs. This Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides insurance to people where people get preventive care for free. This means that people get their preliminary treatment before getting their highly expensive emergency room service.
·         It covers almost all the expensive treatment like addiction, mental health disorders, chronic diseases for which normal medical insurance do not address any patient's claim. This has made the treatment affordable to people.
·         For this Affordable Care Act (ACA) medical insurance companies have no more authorization for not attending pre-existing conditions related claims.
·         Affordable Care Act (ACA) eliminates annual and lifetime coverage limits of insurance.
·         Up to age, 26 children can be there with their parent's family insurance plan which again has cut out the overburden of premium.
·         People who are below poverty level get their tax credited on their premiums as per the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
·         Any business with more than 50 employees should offer medical health insurance which again has made treatments affordable to people.
·         Affordable Care Act (ACA) has helped to lower the budget deficit by reducing the health care cost of governments and secondly, it has helped to raise tax for some businesses and for some families who have higher income facilities. It also shifts the cost to the pharmaceutical companies and to the healthcare providers.
·         Few companies who do not follow the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its 10 benefits have canceled many insurance
·         It increases the overall healthcare costing
Since the number of the patient has increased, this has affected the documentation process. On the other hand, medical transcription has created more advantages to this Act. The medical transcription process helps in transcribing the patient's data and record the conversation between a doctor and patient. Since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has made the treatment more affordable, it is obvious that there will more number of patients who will enroll themselves for medical insurance. This ultimately will increase the burden for the doctors as they have to examine more patients within a unit time. Again tensed right? How a doctor will manage their time then? This increasing number of patient, in turn, will increase the burden of the documentation process. But, this can be easily addressed by the help of medical transcription. A doctor can examine more patient at a time than they do usually because medical transcription helps them to save time by exempting the documentation process.
So, now be relaxed because both these Affordable Cure Act (ACA) and medical transcription is there to help you. Now avail better treatment with affordable costing and get your records clear with medical transcription facilities. Get affordable and faster treatment.

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