Friday 1 November 2019

5 reasons for using Medical slang terms in Medical Transcription

5 reasons for using Medical slang terms in Medical Transcription

Medical slangs in medical transcription

Medical slang terms have been like a part of pop culture in medical transcription. You must be thinking what is medical slang term? The medical slang term is the use of different acronyms used by hospitals, doctors, nurses & also in medical transcription to describe a patient’s health condition. If you are a patient or you have a family member attending a loved one in the hospital, your main expectation will be that the health professionals will be at least empathetic towards the patient’s needs and conditions.  However, never even by the slightest of thoughts, this will hit your mind that they use medical slang terms to make things sound sarcastic or enlighten their mood.
Medical slang terms must be used properly in medical transcription because they convey a specific meaning. For example, a doctor asking you, “Do you have a cabbage?”, does not necessarily mean that he is asking you about your dietary habits. It is rather a reference to CABG which is the acronym for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft. In simple words, they are asking for open heart surgery to bypass a blockage in heart vessels that supply blood to your heart.
A doctor speaks of different terms and all these are documented in medical transcription. Medical slang terms are like lexicon the usage of which has increased a lot in this politically correct time. Moreover, there are subgenres of medical slang terms as well specific to a specialist, emergency physicians, etc. In writing his book, Goldman said that medical slang terms need to be understood properly & while doing medical transcription, transcriptionist must be aware of this to understand how health professionals talk.
In medical transcription, medical slang terms are used very frequently of late. One of the reasons it is used extensively in medical transcription is to make communication harder for others to understand. Other can be to zero down to more than one possible interpretation. By using medical slang terms, a smart communicator is using shortcuts & preventing outsiders from understanding what he is talking about. However, there are a few medical slang terms that must be avoided to prevent mistakes.  

To know the 5 major reasons why medical slang terms are used in medical transcription keep reading on…
 -In medical transcription, the use of medical slang terms is used extensively because it reflects the frustration of the health professionals that they face while dealing with certain types of patients. Health professionals use this to create a bong amongst his team-mates.
    - Medical slang terms are often used in medical transcription for those patients who are economically disadvantaged or maybe are suffering from any chronic disease or have a psychiatric illness.

 - Medical slang terms can increase efficiency till the time they are correctly used.

- Medical slang terms often make humorous reference to characteristics related to patient care or the patient itself.

 - Doctors, nurse or other health professions have also created their own set of medical slang terms to describe their experiences around them.

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