Thursday 3 June 2021

4 immediate impacts of Covid-19 on healthcare and how professional medical transcription service providers can help

4 immediate impacts of Covid 19 on healthcare and how professional medical transcription service providers can help

professional  medical transcription service

Covid-19 has changed the entire scenario of the healthcare system globally. Not only health care, but the world is also suffering from suffocation in the term of Economy. No country was ready to face such a pandemic situation where the number of patients and death toll is growing together.

Every aspect of health care sectors including test labs, professional medical transcription services, local health care centers are working side by side with the hospitals to manage the situation. The world has reported more than 170 Million cases till now and among them, nearly 3.57 million patients have been reported dead.  

In such a situation, healthcare sectors have lost their balance between efficiency and resources to deal with overflowing numbers of patients.

4 immediate impact of Covid-19 on Health Care Sectors

Shortage of resources

Shortage of resources is the initial problem that health care sectors over the world have faced. Even the wealthiest countries have felt the shortages of Ventilators and oxygen supply. Apart from these essential things, the world has faced visible shortages in PPE kits and even faces masks.

As a result, some countries like Thailand, Germany, Russia, etc have stopped the exports of facemasks. As per the report, the countries which have continued the exports and imports of PPE kits, face masks, and oxygen, charge the highest bid.  

Exhausted infrastructure

With the shortage of resources, the global healthcare infrastructure has faced severe exhaustion. A highly populated country like India has registered around 28 Million cases whereas the USA has registered nearly 30 million cases.

Naturally, the health care system is facing collateral issues with an exhausted infrastructure of the hospitals. Health care professionals are experiencing severe mental exhaustion to manage the system.

However, though labs and professional medical transcription services with their skill of medical transcribing leave no stones unturned to help doctors to remove the stress of remembering the burden of information, we still can’t deny that the health care system is going through a difficult phase.

Growing ‘Backlogs’

With an exhausted infrastructure, growing ‘Backlogs’ is very common. Though Covid-19 has taken all the attention, the patients with cancer and high-risk diseases can’t be denied. In many countries, cancer centers stop operating the patients on grounds of non-urgency.

Apart from this, the sudden growth of mental illness like anxiety and depression has visibly grown up. These mental illness issues are again a clear call to the unbalanced diet and obesity.

Failure to keep records of patients

Last but not the least, with the growing rate of Covid-19 cases, it has become difficult for health care sectors to keep the records of patients and their treatment reports. It ultimately drives the global health care system to a question.

In many countries, doctors and private health care clinics seek assistance from experienced medical transcription services to keep proper records of their patients but still, many health care sectors are ignorant of the benefits of hiring experienced medical transcriptionists.

The role of professional medical transcription service to fight against Covid-19

Medical transcription professionals play a great role in processing and simplifying medical reports and documents remotely and store them for future uses. It helps doctors, researchers, and labs to save huge time as well as their valuable resources.

Experienced medical transcriptionists in professional medical transcription services are well-aware of the medical terminologies and possess the required medical knowledge with which they can transcribe any document just by listening. A large range of medical treatments relies on Electronic health records (EHR) presently.

● Transcription services in medical can draft an accurate medical history of the patients with all the required information.

● As a patient’s data is generally stored in a secure FTP or database, it was easier for doctors to access it anytime from anywhere.

● Nurses can utilize the transcribed reports to deliver customized care to a patient.

● Most importantly, professional medical transcription services keep the data of every patient stored in their separate and secured database. Thus, it can track the record of patients in this dismal situation of Covid-19.

How can you hire a professional medical transcription service?

If you are running a health care sector or path lab and looking for a professional medical transcription service to ease the process of medical documentation, you can rely on us. We are one of the most trusted medical transcription services.

We have a team of highly proficient medical transcription experts from all disciplines. We are dedicated to providing you with the service you require. You may contact us to learn more.


Thursday 27 May 2021

Benefits of using Ophthalmology Transcription services in Pediatric Ophthalmology

Benefits of using Ophthalmology Transcription services in Pediatric Ophthalmology

pediatric ophthalmology transcription

Pediatric ophthalmology refers to the treatment of eyes for children. However, treating the eyes of the children is more sensitive than any other treatment. Therefore, paediatrics naturally require a transcriptionist to manage all the data and information efficiently. In this case, outsourcing pediatric ophthalmology transcription doesn’t only save your time but also prepares an accurate and error-free report within the shortest span.

Being one of the most reliable medical transcription services, we understand the importance of accurate reports to treat children’s eye efficiently. To ensure the best transcription for pediatric eye specialists, we have a specially trained team to prepare accurate transcribed reports. Our experts are well-versed in all the terms and conditions of the ophthalmology field.

Our ophthalmology transcription services

Our customized ophthalmology services deal with every aspect of the visual pathways such as eyes and their surrounding areas like eyelids. Our services include but are not limited to:

● Pediatric procedures

● Retinal procedures

● Cataract procedures

● Refractive procedures

● Glaucoma procedures

● Laser Treatment Notes

● Lid surgery care

● Other visual complication documentation, etc.

Most common benefits of using Ophthalmology Transcription services in Pediatric Ophthalmology

The accuracy rate of over 99%

First of all, it comes with our higher accuracy rate in pediatric ophthalmology transcription. We utilize state-of-the-art technology to transcribe the Ophthalmology medical documents efficiently. We have a team of trained and experienced medical language specialists, medical editors, and proofreaders to ensure 99% accuracy.

We utilize highly advanced software and speech recognition devices to ensure error-free documents. With an accurately transcribed report, it becomes easier for doctors to prescribe the right medication for the patients.

HIPAA compliance

HIPAA compliance refers to the process that is utilized to secure Protected Health Information (PHI). It is passed under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The purpose of HIPAA compliance is to keep health care data private.

We take  HIPAA compliance very seriously. We make sure that all our projects start with signing the  HIPAA agreement that ensures that all the information and data of the patients are not leaked to any third party. We believe in Honesty.

Fast turnaround Time

With a team of highly experienced and qualified ophthalmologists, we can provide faster service and customize turnaround time as per the needs of the physician. By utilizing advanced software, talents, and resources, we make sure that we deliver the transcribed pediatric ophthalmology documents anywhere within 24 hours or less.

Multi-level quality check

It is the most important part of our services. Transcribed pediatric ophthalmology file is checked under 3 levels of the security processes. At first, an expert transcriptionist transcribes the documents. Then it goes to the proofreader who reviews the documents and makes changes if required. At last, the documents reach a quality control team where experienced medical editors check its quality before it reaches you.

Documents management and file transfer

We have made the process of document management and file transfer easier from both sides. We receive audio and necessary documents in different file formats including WMV, AVI, MPG, ASF, MOV, ASX, RM, DIC, SWF, and audio formats: WMA, WAV, AAC, and MP3, etc. We have a customized file transfer protocol (FTP) for you. Apart from that, we can send the transcribed files over email, WhatsApp, or any other means of communication.

 24/7 Availability

We will assign an experienced project manager to you. You can contact this person for any discrepancy. Moreover, our experienced managers are available over the phone or emails to ensure you ultimate services.

Customized Price range

We offer you a customized price range according to your requirements. Our charges depend on the volume of the project, your requirements, turnaround time, mode of dictation and document management flow system, etc. Outsourcing pediatric ophthalmology service can save you 30% to 40% of the cost.

Wrapping  Up

Transcribing pediatric ophthalmology documents requires experience and expertise. However, if you are tired of searching for ‘an expert pediatric ophthalmologist near me’ on the internet, your search ends here with us. We have a team of pediatric ophthalmology associates and transcriptionists to provide you with the ultimate services across the world. Whether you need pediatric ophthalmology transcriptionists in Long Island or anywhere else in the world, we are just a click away. Keep confidence and contact us.

Thursday 20 May 2021

5 facts and myths about General Transcription

5 facts and myths about General Transcription

General Transcription

In this world of faster-growing technology, fake news and misconception can spread faster than fire. People are always ready to opine. The fun fact is that majority opinion-makers are not even aware of the relevance and authenticity of their opinion. These false opinions spread through social media sites and get shared by millions of people and ultimately become a myth.

A similar thing happens with the term ‘general transcription’. Now, you may think ‘why are we even saying all these things? Being one of the most reliable general transcription services, we always need to keep ourselves updated. For the same reason, we were just randomly surfing on the internet to learn the latest update on general transcription. However, we got awestruck that many web pages are filled with myths and fake information about transcription. This set of misinformation doesn't only mislead the clients but can also destroy the life of an aspiring transcriptionist. Understanding the importance of the situation, we have brought you the 5 most common misconceptions about general transcription.

What is general transcription?

Before learning about the myths, let’s have a look at what general transcription is. General Transcription deals with a large range of transcription processes. It is not bound in legal or medical terminologies. It is a skill that comes with practice with the utilization of proper techniques. However, being a general transcriptionist requires much more than just fast typing.  

5 common myth about General Transcription

General transcription only requires typing speed

Transcription is not only about listening to the audio and typing it. You need to type it accurately without any spelling, grammatical, and typing mistakes. Take note that  a single mistake in the transcribed document can affect its quality. Moreover, Proofreading is also required to ensure its quality. Fast typing may help you to achieve a quick Turnaround Time but you also need accuracy in the transcribed documents.

● Need to have a strong command English Grammar.

● Need to be skilled in using processing software.

● Must be self motivated, disciplined and a quick learner.

Speech recognition software can replace general transcriptionists

It is the most common myth we have noticed. With the evolution of technologies, Speech recognition software might take a crucial role but it can never replace human brains. There is no doubt that this software is great and may increase the accuracy level but it can’t compete with humans. Take note that machines are capable to :

● proofread and edit

● eliminate irrelevant words

● make a format

● comprehend peculiar accents

The growing popularity of video can replace general transcriptionists

It is completely a myth that the videos can replace the transcriptionists. It is funny that people don’t get the point that an accurate video editing on transcription requires the knowledge of general transcription. Ironically, the increasing demand for videos has also increased the demand for professional transcriptionists whether it is general medical transcription or legal transcription.

The search engines can’t index videos themselves and any online videos need written description. In this case, general transcription services are usually required to make the video presentation more attractive and accurate. No matter how advanced technology will be, it requires human assistance to run properly.

Little or no training is generally required

This is one of the most common myths. No matter how brilliant you are in a particular field, before starting any business or work, initial training is required. General transcription is not an exception. Yeah, it is true that general transcription requires less training than medical or legal transcription. However, If you want to run your general transcription service smoothly or transcribe any documents with accuracy,  training is essential.  

General Transcription is only for females

We don’t really understand how can some registered website published some biased articles promoting gender discrimination? In 2021, there should be no discrimination between the works of men and women. Anyone irrespective of gender can be expert at general transcription and make their career here.

Final Note

The above-mentioned is an overview of a few common myths and facts about general transcription. However, if you are seeking top-notch general transcription help, you may reach us. We offer world-class general transcription as well as specialized medical transcription at the best price. We are one of the most trusted general transcription companies offering general transcription online service. To learn more, feel free to contact us.




Thursday 13 May 2021

5 Pointers to Focus on while doing Hematology Transcription

5 Pointers to Focus on while doing Hematology Transcription

Hematology Transcription

Hematology is a science that deals with the study of blood and its related diseases. Along with this, it also manages various types of platelets related disorders including WBC, RBC, and the entire coagulation system.

To treat any blood-related diseases successfully, hematology transcription is proven service. An experienced hematology transcriptionist not only keeps the record of a large volume of data but also proofread word by word as per the voice file. A professional transcriptionist with years of experience can provide online hematology transcription. However, we often find that new transcriptionists sometimes face difficulties while transcribing the report. Following the mentioned hematology transcription tips may result in better transcribing.

Must be aware of all the hematology terminologies and theories

If you are a hematology transcriptionist, you need to be well aware of all the hematology terms and theories. Learning all the theories and terminologies helps in gearing up your accuracy level. Having a clear grasp on frequently used terms helps you to catch any confusing words quickly during hematology transcription.

Should have a Strong grip on the English grammar

A strong grip on English Grammar is a big plus. The hematology transcription involves lots of complex terms and sentences. While transcribing the report related to leukemia and lymphoma or any other major blood-related diseases, accuracy in grammar is essential to execute the entire transcription process successfully. It is a matter of life. You can’t afford a single mistake.

Need to be skilled in transcribing by listening to voicemails carefully

In hematology transcription services, a medical transcriptionist needs to transcribe the entire report word by word just by listening to the voice. Usually, doctors or clinics upload a voice dictation for the transcription manager. Then, it generally runs through an advanced voice recognition system and the process goes on. Here, a transcriptionist must have the patience and skills to execute the report just by listening.

Must be updated with the latest innovations

When you are providing hematology transcription services, you need to stay updated with all the new innovations including the latest drugs and surgical instruments. Medical science is evolving every day. Therefore, staying up-to-date with all the latest inventions helps you to boost your knowledge in hematology.

Proofreading is essential

Last but not least, proofreading is necessary after completing the transcription process. You need to proofread each word carefully to eliminate all sorts of grammatical mistakes and typos. Here, you need to relisten the voice to trace any mistakes. Before sending the final hematology transcription report, proofreading is necessary. However, you can reach us to learn hematology transcription tricks.

Wrapping Up

The above-mentioned is an overview of five-pointers to ensure accuracy in hematology transcription. However, if you are looking for a professional and experienced service provider for hematology transcription online, we assure you the world-class hematology transcription help at a reasonable price range. We have a team of professional transcriptionists to ensure you the best hematology transcription service in all medical disciplines including Cancer treatment, Biological therapy, blood transfusions, blood and bone marrow donations, etc. Contact us to learn more.



Saturday 8 May 2021

How oncology Transcription services are helpful in the treatment of critical diseases like cancer?

How to use Oncology Transcription Service in treatment of critical diseases

Oncology Transcription services

Oncology transcription services help doctors to free up more space, when managing medical documents. In other words, Oncology Transcription & Dictation Services assist doctors to update Electronic Health Records efficiently.

The word “Onco” refers to the ‘mass’ or ‘tumour’ and ‘Logy’ indicates ‘Study’. So, the term ‘Oncology’ initially refers to the study of tumour and cancer. We understand that cancer patients and their families have to go through a lot. But apart from patients and their families, any practitioners or oncologists also have to manage a bunch of documents. This process of document management is not only overwhelming but also causes stress and anxiety.

Oncology Transcription & Dictation Services assist doctors to update Electronic Health Records. However, being one of the most trusted medical transcription service providers, we offer haematology- oncology transcription for different medical disciplines.

Oncology transcription services we offer

Our haematology- oncology Transcription services include but not limited to-

· Cancer treatment

· Chemotherapy

· Haematology

· Blood transfusions

· Biological therapy and Transplants, etc.

Doctors or health care clinics can consult us to seek customized oncology transcription help. But before that, let’s have a look at how it can be beneficial.

Advantages of oncology transcription service

Experienced Professionals for oncology transcription services 

If doctors seek assistance from an oncology medical transcription service, it is a great opportunity to work with highly experienced professionals. Experts have a keen eye for every small detail. Moreover, as they are well-associated with specific medical terminologies, they can execute a flawless document. Our transcriptionists are highly qualified with years of experience.

Advanced technology

Experienced oncology transcription service providers have access to the latest technologies to ease the process of oncology transcription and dictation. When oncologists get assistance from advanced technologies to maintain EHR databases, naturally, they can save more time for their patients. Along with this, advanced software for speech and text recognization can boost the flow of treatment.

Quality assurance

We pay close attention to several aspects of oncology transcription to deliver error-free documents. However, we can ensure an extra level of assurance on each document on demand. Moreover, if you find any discrimination in the report, we assure you that we will change it without any extra service cost.

Secure privacy

Being one of the most trusted oncology transcription services, maintaining and securing patient’s privacy comes under our responsibility. We utilize an advanced and encrypted database to prevent any fishing activities. You can trust us. Your patient’s information is safe with us.

Quick turnaround time

We provide one of the fastest services to ensure excellence. Our highly-trained transcriptionists can execute and deliver the report within 24 hours. Moreover, we have made our billing procedure simple and transparent to ensure your satisfaction.

Final note

Managing and remembering all the data related to the treatment is a hectic process. In this case, seeking assistance for oncology transcription services is a smart decision. However, if you are looking for one of the most trusted Oncology Medical Transcription Services Companies near you, we are here for your assistance. To ease the process of medical transcription, we also offer oncology transcription online. You can contact us to learn more.